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From: pearl@gandalf.rutgers.edu (Starbuck)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.manga,news.answers
Subject: rec.arts.manga: Manga Guide Part 1/2
Keywords: monthly informative posting
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Date: 12 Nov 92 15:58:59 GMT
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Archive-name: manga/guide/part1
The rec.arts.manga Guide
Part 1/2: A-M
Version 4.1 (October 1992)
New in this version:
- New contributors: Michael Edwards, Enrique Conty, C. Ma.
- New entries for Hoshisato Mochiru, Umezu Kazuo, Shibata Masahiro,
Kusunoki Kei, Nekobe Neko, Itsuki Natsumi.
- Expanded entries for Fujita Kazuhiro, Houjou Tsukasa, Kakinouchi Narumi,
Kouga Yun, Miyazaki Hayao, Takahashi Rumiko, Tetsuya Saruwatari.
About the rec.arts.manga Guide:
- This Guide is a list of manga artists and their works. It is intended
to answer questions about "what has this artist done", "which magazine
has this title", "how many volumes are there", "is it finished", "is it
animated". Please consult this Guide before posting to rec.arts.manga.
The Guide is also intended to recommend and review manga. If you're
new to manga, don't be daunted by its size, just browse it at your leisure,
maybe searching the text for keywords or artists that interest you.
- It is predominantly the work of various rec.arts.manga contributors,
who are credited where possible. If you use the Guide as a reference
for published work, please cite the Guide as your source (and the
contributor, if credited).
- You can order manga through most Japanese bookstores (which are listed
in the rec.arts.manga Resources). You will usually need to know the
title, author, price, and the publisher. Each title listed in the Guide
has a line of information about its current status. For example:
(1987-1991, v35F, Y450, SJ, TV series+movies)
"1987-1991": Commenced publication in 1987, ceased in 1991.
"v35F": 35 volumes have been published. 'F'=the series is finished.
'U'=finished in magazine, but the final volume remains unpublished.
"Y450": Each volume costs 390 Yen. (Y390 is the "default" price.)
"SJ": Magazine that carried the title. Abbreviations are used for
popular magazines (SJ=Shonen Jump); refer to the list of magazines
and publishers at the end. If the magazine is unknown, the publisher
is listed instead. '*'=the title appears in the magazine irregularly.
"TV series+movies": Related works, eg. anime TV series and anime movie.
- This Guide contains JIS (encoded Japanese) for each author, and in
other places. This is to help you with browsing, ordering manga, etc.
At the moment, you will have to replace the '^[' with a true '^[' escape
character to view the JIS. (eg. :%s/\^\[/^[/g in ex)
- Every month, the Guide is updated with new material and information about
new releases. However, there are many entries which are incomplete or
inaccurate. Corrections, contributions and feedback are always greatly
If you have any new authors to add, please describe either their art/
storytelling style OR at least one of their works. Two or three sentences
are sufficient to give a good idea of most manga titles. If you don't
see your favorite artist here, write an entry! You might like to post
your contributions to rec.arts.manga to stimulate discussion; otherwise,
they should be mailed to the current maintainer of the Guide, Iain Sinclair
Manga Authors and Titles
---- Adachi Mitsuru ^[$@$"$@$A^[(J ^[$@=<^[(J
Rise, Setting Sun!
Yuu Hi yo Nobore
(album, Y680, Flower Comics, story by Yamasaki Juuzou)
Characters are typical of Adachi, since characters in all his works are the
same. All the characters here are just a bit less polished compared to
later works. As is typical with shoujo manga, Adachi concentrated on
characters and less on background, so as to create a "dreamy" atmosphere. [CPK]
Hiatari Ryoukou ^[$@M[$"$?$jNI9%^[(J!
(v2?F, Y680, Shougakukan, movie [1988])
Nine ^[$@%J%$%s^[(B
(v5F, SS, 3 TV movies [available on VHS])
High school baseball (plus some other sports) and romance story.
Miyuki ^[$@$_$f$-^[(B
(v12F/Y390, v5F wide, Shougakukan, TV series)
High school brother and step sister romance story.
Touch ^[$@%?%C%A^[(B
(v26F, v9?F wide, Y390, SS, TV series [108 ep]+3 movies)
There are three "parts" to Touch. In the first part, the main theme
was the love triangle between Tatsuya, Kazuya, and Minami. Uesugi
Tatsuya and Kazuya were twins, and Asakura Minami was the girl next door.
The second part of Touch concentrated on Tatsuya trying to put himself
into Kazuya's shoes. Tatsuya got "traded" from the boxing team to the
baseball team for a picture of Lum with an autograph of Takahashi Rumiko.
Tatsuya pitched the Meisei team into the second round of the regional
tournament, but lost to Nishimura and Seinan High School in an extra
inning game while pitching a no-hitter. Minami, who had been the baseball
team manager, also became a member of the school's rhythmic gymnastics
team. Minami did exceptionally well and made it to the national tournament.
The third part of Touch concentrated on Tatsuya making himself good
enough for Minami. Meisei got a new coach because the old coach got
sick. The new coach worked the team like the devil. But it paid off
as Meisei made it to the finals of the regional tournament to face
Nitta and Sumi Technical High School. [HD]
Rough ^[$@%i%U^[(B
(v12F, Y390, SS)
High school swimming and romance story.
Slow Step ^[$@%9%m!<%9%F%C%W^[(B
(v7F, Y390, Shougakukan, 5 OAVs)
High school girl's softball and boxing and romance story.
Rainbow Chilli
Niji-iro Tohgarashi ^[$@Fz?'$H$&$,$i$7^[(B
(1990-1992, v11U, SS)
2 Heroes & 2 Heroines
(1992, SS)
Adachi's current work; another highschool baseball story.
Other works: Ah the Youth of Koushien, Short Program
---- Araki Hirohiko ^[$B9SLZHtO$I'^[(B
Well known for unique art style and bizarre sound effects. However Jojo's
Bizarre Adventure is beginning to show the limit of his imagination. [TK]
BAOH ^[$B%P%*!<MhK,<T^[(B
(v1, ?, English)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken ^[$B%8%g%8%g$N4qL/$JKA81^[(J
(v28, Y390, SJ)
Four generations of the Jojo family seek revenge against vampires.
---- Aro Hiroshi ^[$@$"$m$R$m$7^[(J
An unusual artist/writer. Most of his stories have a clear, clean appearance
with a surreal quality. This could also be said of his characters, tone,
and attitude. He uses "hentai" with its double meaning of "metamorphosis"
to describe weird backgrounds, assorted personalities, and other strangeness.
His humor oriented stories usually share the same universe. [NA]
Morumo 1/10
(v2F, Shonen Captain)
Morumo 1/10 is a combination of super-hero, comedy, and love story.
Morumo is an alien girl raised on earth. She is 16.3 meters tall at
age 16 and weighs 43 tons. She looks human (with pink hair) if you
are far enough away, well her proportions are human. She occasionally
takes a shrinking serum that reduces her body by 1/10 in size.
You and Me ^[$@M%!uL%0a^[(B
(v8F, Monthly SJ)
You is a boy who just moved into the equivalent of a boarding house.
Everything is not as it first seems, even the boy. Living in the
same room is a ghost (female) named Me. The series is a combination
of love, humor, and a general parody of anime and manga.
Futaba-kun, Change! ^[$@$U$?$P7/%A%'%s%8^[(B
(1991, v3, SJ Monthly)
Another high school hentai slapstick. Futaba changes his/her gender when
he/she gets excited. But it's not only him. His family is filled with
gender-changing people.
Other works: Boogie-Woogie Alligator, Omisore Toraburikko,
Tottemo Shounen Tankentai, Sheriff, Trickster, Unkai no Tabibito,
Waka-okusama no Abunai Shumi(?)
---- Asamiya Kia ^[$@Kc5\530!^[(B
Asamiya Kia is the same person as the famous animator/character designer
Kikuchi Michitaka. [TK]
Gunhed ^[$@%,%s%X%C%I^[(B
(v?, English)
Vagrants ^[$@?@@15-%t%!%0%i%s%D^[(B
(v2, Comptique (Kadokawa Shoten))
Silent Moebius ^[$@%5%$%l%s%H%a%S%&%9^[(B
(1990, v5, Y950, Comp, novels+game books+movie+English)
Compiler ^[$@%3%s%Q%$%i^[(B
(1991-92, v2U, Afternoon)
Dark Angel ^[$@@;=CEA@b%@!<%/%(%s%8%'%k^[(B
(1991, v1, Newtype)
The current storyline is about an impetuous young boy named Dark, his tiny
assistant angel, and the mad spoiled lord who's on the verge of stumbling
into a major war in his attempts to kill Dark. This series has some nice
artwork, and good character interaction, though all of the character designs
have equivalents in Compiler. [CH]
Assembler 0X
(1992, Afternoon)
A Compiler spinoff, though it has a substantially different atmosphere.
---- Asari Yoshitoh ^[$B$"$5$j$h$7$H$*^[(J
Asari Yoshitoh's style tends to be simple, almost cutesy...except for the
times he does exploding entrails and shotgun wounds. Whereupon his attention
to detail is impressive. [JE]
A Collection of Short Stories
Tampenshuu ^[$BC;JT=8^[(J
(1989, Y680, Tokumashoten)
A collection book of some of Asari's short comics from 1980 to 1988 put out
as an Animage Comics Special book, this collection shows the variety of
different stories and styles that Asari is comfortable with. My personal
favorite is 'The Magnificent Seven Zombies.' (A somewhat paraphrased title.)
Included is a list of all Asari's published stories up to 1988, for fanatical
Space Family Carlvinson
Uchuu Kazoku Karubinson ^[$B1'Ch2HB2%+%k%S%s%=%s^[(J
(1986-present, v8, Y380, Shonen Captain, OAV)
When a motley band of travelling performers have a deep-space collision with
another spacecraft, they find that the sole survivor of the other craft is a
humanoid infant. They decide to raise the child as their own on the nearest
planet as they wait for other members of the girl's race to come and find her.
Corona-chan grows up as their daughter, and the manga details her five-year-old
adventures with her fuzzball mother, her robot-soldier father, her
living-central-nervous-system pet, and the other bizarre members of the local
(v1F?, Tokuma Shoten)
Strange mecha story.
The Girl Defending Earth, Iko-chan
Chikyuu Bouei Shoujo Iko-chan ^[$@CO5eKI1R>/=w%$%3$A$c$s^[(B
(1990, Y890)
Tadaima Kiseichu
(1990?-present, v?, Comp)
Intestinal parasites turn an average girl into a superhero.
Manga Science ^[$@$^$s$,%5%$%(%s%9^[(B
(1991, Y780)
Wahhaman ^[$B%o%C%O%^%s^[(J
(1991-present, v1, Y420, Afternoon)
Wahhaman is a special robot soldier built ten thousand years ago by the
Atlanteans. Found and dug up in present-day Tokyo, he cannot remember any
of his past, due to a nasty knock to the head he received at some point.
People tend to mistake Wahhaman, who is unable to speak except for laughing
when going into battle, for someone or something that they are looking for
in their own lives.
---- Chen Wen ^[$@E"Ld^[(B
Taiwan's most accomplished manga artist. After experimenting with such
things as soap and candle wax, he eventually mastered the use of the
traditional Chinese calligraphy brush. Chen Wen's exotic art and stories
are unmistakably unique. [bib. by CPK]
Leopard Warriors
(1983, v3F, Time Weekly [A Taiwanese magazine])
Heroes of the East Chu Dynasty
Tou-Shuu Eiyuu-den ^[$@El<~1QM:EA^[(B
(1991, v2, Morning)
Chinese historical figures in the days of East Chou Dynasty.
Profoundly Beautiful Asia
Fukaku Utsukushiki Ajia ^[$@?<$/H~$7$-%"%8%"^[(B
(1992, v1, Y1000, Afternoon)
The story of psychics, beast-people, powerful demigods and ordinary
citizens in a totalitarian society ruled by the Ideal Leader.
Other works: Leopard Warriors II, The God of War, Story of the Assassins,
The Armor General
---- CLAMP
CLAMP is composed of 6 talented ladies and each member has her own specialty.
Core member of CLAMP is Mokona Apapa (main artist) and Ohkawa Nanase (writer)
who are DIRECTLY responsible for such manga as RG-VEDA, X and Tokyo Babylon.
Without doubt, CLAMP is the hottest shojo-manga artist in Japan now. [TK]
20 Mensou Onegai 20^[$@LLAj$K$*4j$$^[(J!
(v1, Comic Genki)
White Princess Extracts(?)
Shirahime Shou ^[$@GrI1>6^[(B
(Y500, Comic Val)
This book consists of 3 romance short stories about the topic "snow". There
is a legend that whenever it snows, it is the tears of white princess.
Artwork may not appeal to many, because to create the sentimental snow
environment, the background is always dark. But the stories are quite good
and romantic. [CM]
Seiden (RG Veda) ^[$@@;EA^[(J (^[$@%j%0!&%t%'!<%@^[(J)
(v6, Y490, ?(Shinshokan), 2 OAVs)
Although CLAMP borrowed ideas and names from Hindu/Buddhist mythology,
RG-VEDA has very little to do with them in terms of story. This manga is
CLAMP's first major work and its story and art are getting better and better
with each volume. IMO, RG-VEDA defines the current "state of the art" of
Shojo-manga. HIGHLY recommended.
Campus Police Dukylon
Gakuen Tokkei Deukarion ^[$@3X1`FC7Y%G%e%+%j%*%s^[(B
(v1, Newtype 100% Comics)
CLAMP did this manga as a joke.
CLAMP Campus Detective Service
CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan ^[$B#C#L#A#M#P3X1`C5De^[(B
(v1, Y520, Asuka Comics Deluxe)
A light comedy featuring three whiz kids in Clamp Elementary School. Takes
place in the same campus as Deukarion. [TK] The detective team aims to help
female students on campus to find clues to their lost stuff. Nokoru is very
popular among female students, and he's quite glad to help them. He is sort
of the "leader" of the team, and he is extremely smart. [CM]
Tokyo Babylon ^[$@El5~#B#A#B#Y#L#O#N^[(B
(v4, Y580, OAV, Shinshokan)
Demon hunt story heavily influenced by Kujaku-Oh. However, it concentrates
more on the social background and inner feelings of characters rather than
violence and action. [TK]
(v2, Y880, story by ?yama Tamayo)
(v2, Y390, Asuka)
Occult battle manga taking place in the near future. Features great artwork,
intriguing characters and complex plots. It takes place in the same Universe
as TB.
---- Egawa Tatsuya ^[$@9>@nC#Li^[(J
A former disciple of Motomiya Hiroshi.
Be Free!
(1986-?, v12, Morning)
The turbulent life of a maths teacher surrounded by sleazy characters.
Increasingly weird towards the end.
Magical Taruruuto-kun ^[$@$^$8$+$k!y%?%k$k!<%H$/$s^[(J
(1989-1992, v19U, SJ, TV [87 ep]+3 movies)
5th grader Edojou Honmaru is one of the weakest in his class, until
he meets the little magician Taruruuto. Taru's magic helps him to
deal with girls, triumph over bullies and meet other challenges.
Lots of fun, protracted battles and slapstick, a real "feelgood" title.
While the manga is aimed at children, it appeals to people of all ages. [IS]
Magical Taruruuto-kun Magic Items ^[$@$^$8$+$k!y%?%k$k!<%H$/$sKbK!%"%$%F%`^[(B
(1991, art book?, Y480)
Golden Boy
(1992, Super Jump*)
About a genius dropout from Tokyo University, who likes to tutor and
study. Has the usual Egawa sleazy women, it's more like Be Free! with
considerably improved art.
---- Fujishima Kosuke ^[$@F#Eg9/2p^[(B
Fujishima is a keen fan of motorcyles and engine mechanics stuff. So expect
to see a lot of things about them in his manga. [PY] As you can see in AMG!,
Fujishima also has a great talent for designing custumes and has done costume
designs for KO Seiki Beast Sanjuushi. [TK]
I'll Arrest you! (aka. You're Under Arrest)
Taiho Shichau zo ^[$BBaJa$7$A$!$&$>^[(B
(v7F, Y420, Comic Morning Party Extra (Koudansha), OAV)
The manga which made Fujishima famous. As commonly found in debut manga,
the art style changes quite a lot from the first volume. The story is
about the life of two policewomen, Miyuki (mechanical genius, expert
vehicle driver, the brain of the pair, more introverted), and Natsumi
(enormous strength, expert motorcyle driver, more action-minded). Both
feel embarassed when faced with romantic situations. There are many
interesting supporting roles. [PY]
Ah! My Goddess!
Aa! Megamisama! ^[$B$"$"$C=w?@$5$^$C^[(B
(v7, Y450, Afternoon, OAV+CDs)
Character designs change quite a bit from Vol.1 to most recent stories.
I think the designs keep on improving. Character designs look perfect to
me (I mean the most recent designs), both in terms of the artwork and
character/personality. I admit that the story isn't any substantial stuff,
but then the whole thing is just a collection of individual light-hearted
enjoyable stories. [PY]
---- Fujita Kazuhiro ^[$@F#EDOBF|O:^[(J
Riding a Merry-go-Round
(short story)
Something about a little girl wanting to go for merry-go-round ride,
but obstacles appeared. Not very shounen, I think. [CM]
Ushio to Tora ^[$@$&$7$*$H$H$i^[(B
(1989, v12, SS, 6 OAVs+Super Famicom game)
Aotsuki Ushio was a normal junior highschool boy until he accidentally
pulled the "Spear of the Beast" out of a powerful monster, imprisoned
in the basement of his house. The monster tried to eat Ushio but the
spear, which has strong magical powers, enabled Ushio to overwhelm
the monster.
Ushio named the monster "Tora", which means TIGER in Japanese.
Together they engage in various monster hunts. Although Tora insist
that he's helping Ushio because he don't want other monster/demons
to rob him of his "food", they develop a strange friendship. [TK]
Yarof's Attraction-shop
Yarof no atoraku-ya
(1992, v1)
---- GONTA
GONTA draws people with confidence and flair. His stories are full of
drama, weirdos and sex. They are sophisticated, but reasonably easy to
follow. [IS]
(v3F, Afternoon)
Housing Inferno
Jigoku no Ie ^[$BCO9v$N2H^[(B
(1992, v1, Afternoon)
A famous soap opera actor (Harou) and his son (Kyouichi) and their
highly screwed-up relationships.
---- Hagiwara Kazushi ^[$@Gk860l;j^[(J
(1987-1993, v12, Y390, SJ Season Special, OAV)
A virgin's kiss turns bimbo boy Luche into the ancient sorcerer, Dark
Schneider, just in time to save a kingdom from Osborne and his minions...
if D.S feels like it. Bastard!! is RPG manga fantasy at its wildest,
bursting with bimbos, violence, in-jokes, and spectacular art (there is
some particularly incredible tone work in later volumes).
Made Genius
(doujinshi, with Studio Loud in School)
Bakuen Campus
(1992, Virtual Jump)
---- Hirano Toshihiro
The Golden Warrior
Prequel to Iczer-1.
The Iczer Legend
Iczer Densetsu
(v1, Comic Genki, based on OAVs)
Iczer Densetsu is only very loosely based on OAVS.
It's Hirano's attempt to recreate the Iczer Universe. [TK]
Dangaioh Legend
(v1, NORA Comics Deluxe)
Like Iczer Densetsu, it's very loosely based on OAVs. Other than the
name of characteres and their looks, not much similarity (no mecha). [TK]
---- Hiwatari Saki ^[$@F|EO^[(J ^[$@Aa5*^[(J
Please Save My Earth
Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte ^[$@KM$NCO5e$r<i$C$F^[(B
(v14, Hana to Yume)
A high school girl named Alice (yep, they found kanji for it) moves to
Tokyo, where she finds that two boys in her class have been sharing the
same dreams for several years. The dreams form a continuing story. She
eventually finds herself having the same dreams. It turns out that these
dreams are actually remembrances of their past lives, which happened to be
as alien researchers stationed on the Earth's moon. Also, as the story
progresses the other members of the moon research team are found
reincarnated as well. The seven of them try to solve the mystery of what
their past lives were, and why they are remembering it.
Adding a bit of excitement to the story is the fact that (1) the
reincarnated people have some special powers that remained from their past
lives, and (2) certain of them harbor great enmity toward others, and are
acting rather irrational.
I think it is a good suspense story. It is definitely not merely one of
those "love stories for junior high school girls". ^_^ A bit of advice
though: It is very hard to keep the relationships between the characters
straight, as you have to deal with rather complicated love tangles in both
the present day Japan setting and the "moon story" setting. It doesn't help
that the publisher for some reason decided not to put the usual
"toujyoujinbutu syoukai" in the front of the issues until issue #6.
I would strongly suggest that when you buy #1, buy #6 at the same
time. You can refer to the character chart in the front of #6. [MC]
---- Hoshisato Mochiru ^[$@@1N$$b$A$k^[(B
Living Game ^[$@$j$S$s$0%2!<%`^[(B
(v6, Big Comics Spirits)
A romantic comedy about a Fuwa, a guy living in a small apartment in
overcrowded Tokyo, who wants to have a place of his own. Because of a
building accident in their new office building, Fuwa's company (5 employees)
had to move into his apartment, right after he had moved to a larger
place. Also the new employee (Hiyama Izumi, a 15 year old girl) had to
move into Fuwa's place, as she had just come from the country. Then
Fuwa's old girl friend Tokiko, who had already gotten married, ran away
from her husband and came to Fuwa's place. [HD]
Other works: Kakuteru Ponytail (1990, v1F, Y490), Wazukaitchomae (1991, v1),
Half na Bun dake (1991, v2F)
---- Hosono Fujihiko ^[$@:YLnIT?NI'^[(B
The original artist of the Crusher Joe manga. [KM]
My Dear Batman
Itoshi no Battoman ^[$@0&$7$N%P%C%H%^%s^[(B
Mama ^[$@%^%^^[(B
(v9F, Y500, Young Sunday)
Gallery Fake ^[$@%.%c%i%j!<%U%'%$%/^[(B
(v1, Y500 Big Comic Spirits)
Gomen Asobase ^[$@$4$a$s$"$=$P$;^[(B
(v1, Y680, Comic Burger)
Tokyo Detectives' Group
Tokyo Tanteidan ^[$@El5~C5DeCD^[(B
(v3, Y780)
Other works: The Judge, Gu Gu Gunmo, Reservation Please!, University Boys,
Adlib Cine-Club, Sasuga no Sarutobi
---- Houjou Tsukasa ^[$@KL>r^[(J ^[$@;J^[(B
Cat's Eye
(1981-1984, v18F, SJ)
Short Story Collection 1: Gift from Angel
Tenshi no Okurimono
(album, Y370, SJ)
There's one story about a pair of lovers always quarelling and not admitting
that they're suited for each other. But their future daughter comes and
helps them realise their love. [CM]
City Hunter
(v35F, Y390 SJ, TV series + movies + live action movie)
A hentai trouble shooter and his hammer-wielding female assistant.
Jackie Chan stars in the movie.
Taxi Driver
A vampire masquerades as a taxi driver, but he can only drink the blood
of virgins. [CM]
Family Plot
About the bonding between father and son.
Young Girl's Season
Shoujou no Kisetsu
About the love between father and daughter.
---- Ikegami Ryouichi ^[$@CS>eNK0l^[(B
Aineo Boy
(1971, Weekly Gandai,story by Koike Kazuo)
Mai ^[$@Iq^[(B
(v3F, Y780, Super Visual Comics, story by Kudou Kazuya, English title
"Mai the Psychic Girl")
Story about a young, talented girl, and the attempts to either kidnap
and exploit her, or simply kill her. [CH]
Crying Freeman
(v7?, Y500, Shogakukan, story by Koike Kazuo, English+3 OAVs)
About a killer for the triads who cries whenever he kills someone.
Plenty of H.
Sanctuary ^[$@%5%s%/%A%e%"%j^[(B
(v5, Y500, Big Comics Superior, story by Shimura Shou, English)
Story about two young men working together to change the shape of
Tokyo's politics -- one by becoming a politician, and the other by
becoming a Yakuza. Doesn't pull any punches. [CH]
Offered ^[$@%*%U%!!<%I^[(B
(v4?, Y500, Shougakukan, story by Koike Kazuo)
The main character is an "offered" of Gilgamesh, (Gilgamesh preserved his
semen in an iceberg...so it survived. The grandfather of the main character
for some rason was able to gain the semen..) so he goes on this trip to
Agartha, where all the secrets of his birth lie. [KM]
I Hungry man boy
I Katsuotoko boy ^[$@#I!&2nCK%\!<%$^[(B
(v6, Y700, story by Koike Kazuo)
Otoko-gumi ^[$@CKAH^[(B
(v9?, Y780, Shougakukan, story by Kariya Tetsu)
The Life of Ouritsuin Kumomaru
Ouritsuin Kumomaru no Shougai ^[$@2&N)1!1@4]$N@836^[(B
(1991-1992, v3F, Y500, SS, story by Hiroi Ouji)
In the early 1930s, the son of a Japanese noble family travels to Europe
to seek his fortune. But he soon becomes embroiled in the militarist
conspiracy, running up against the militarists' ninja Juuzou, Chinese demons
and fleets of zeppelins. Another fine example of Ikegami's splendid art,
but its awkward story proved unpopular and it ended very prematurely. [IS]
---- Inoue Noriyoshi ^[$@0f>e5*NI^[(B
Mad Bull 34 ^[$@%^%C%I!y%V%k#3#4^[(B
(v19, YJ, story by Koike Kazuo, 4 OAVs)
The violent exploits of a NY cop. (It has ended on YJ, but there is some
NEW Mad Bull 34 in recent Bears Club magazines).
(Jump 30*, story by Tohban Zenji)
An international investigator, possessed by the spirits of wolves,
turns from a nerd to a musclebound hunk in crisis situations. Each
episode is set in a different part of the world (Egypt, Africa, Australia,
etc.) This is probably Noriyoshi's best, though not as well known as MB 34.
Gulf Hawk ^[$@%,%k%U$NBk^[(B
(v3F, YJ)
A story of a Japanese cameraman in the Persian Gulf War. [KM]
Chronicle of Japan
Renkan Nihon-Shoki ^[$@O"4DF|K\=q5*^[(B
(v2, YJ, story by Koike Kazuo)
Other works: Angels, Diamond Elfin, The Mission
---- Ishikawa Ken ^[$@@P@n8-^[(B
Miroku ^[$@5uL5@o;N#M#I#R#O#K#U^[(B
(v5F, Shounen Captain, 6 OAVs)
Getter Robo ^[$@%2%C%?!<%m%\^[(B
(v3F, Y700, art by Nagai Gou)
Getter Robo ? ^[$@%2%C%?!<%m%\iK^[(B
(1991, v4)
Infernal Reincarnation
Makai Tensei
Skull Killer Devil King ^[$@%9%+%k%-%i!<<Y542&^[(B
(1990, v2)
Seimaden ^[$@@;KbEA^[(B
(1992, Y400, art by ^[$@DT^[(J ^[$@??@h^[(B)
---- Itegaki Hirohiko ^[$@HD3@7C2p^[(B
Makeupper ^[$@%a%$%-%c%C%Q!<^[(B
(v3F, Y500, Studio Ship)
Grappler Baki ^[$@%0%i%C%W%i!<?O2g^[(B
(1990, v4, Y390, Shounen Champion)
"Real Grappling Comic", focusing on the exploits of Baki, a highschool
martial artist. The main appeal for me is its slick look, solid character
designs, and very competent action sequences. Probably Shounen Champion's
most popular current title (though that isn't saying much!). [IS]
---- Itsuki Natsumi ^[$@<y$J$D$_^[(B
(1990-92, v4F, Y700, Jets Comics, OAV)
A military action comic mixed with romance and combat androids. The art
style is feminine but the action isn't... [ME]
Other works: Marcheo Monogatari (v2F, Y1300), Hanashoukeru Seishounen (v6)
---- Iwaaki Hitoshi ^[$@4dL@^[(J ^[$@6Q^[(J
The Sound of Bone
Hone no Oto ^[$B2;$N9|^[(B
(1990, short story collection)
Kiseiju ^[$@4s@8=C^[(J
(1990, v5, Afternoon)
"One day, alien creatures appeared on Earth. They invaded other animals
through their nose or ears, and lived in their brains, controlling their
nervous system. These creatures were 'parabeasts', their numbers unknown.
They can detect each other from their brain waves, and can change their
shape freely. One parasite tried to invade his host, Shinichi, via
his arm, but Shinichi stopped it reaching his brain by tying up his arm.
"Eventually, a symbiotic relationship developed. Those parabeasts which
lived on brains eventually consumed their host and matured. So, to save
themselves, Shinichi and his parabeast 'Miggy' began to fight against
other parabeasts."
Kiseiju has horrific gore, but also features well-developed relationships,
subtle dialogue, and good atmosphere. The SF story is suspenseful,
chilling and plausible. [IS]
---- Kakinouchi Narumi ^[$@3@LnFb@.H~^[(B
Vampire Princess Miyu ^[$@5[7lI1H~M<^[(B
(1990, v1F, Y1000, story by ?, OAVs)
Film Collection Miyu
(1992, v2F, Y1900)
Codename wa Charmer ^[$@%3!<%I%M!<%`$O#C#H#A#R#M#E#R^[(B
About psychics in school. [CM]
New Vampire Miyu
Shin Vampire Miyu ^[$@?7!&5[7lI1^[(J(^[$@%t%!%s%Q%$%d^[(J)^[$@H~M<^[(B
(1992, v1, Y850, story by Hirano Toshihiro)
It's about the shinma friends of Larva before he became the servant of Miyu
came to Japan to meet Larva, as well as planing to revenge against Miyu
since she killed two of their friends. [CM]
Other works: Vampire Yui, Mermaid Trip, Taketori Hime, Moon Princess
(1991, Y800).
---- Kariya Tetsu ^[$@4g20E/^[(B
Oishinbo ^[$@H~L#$7$s$\^[(B
(v36, Y500, Big Comics, art by Hanasaki Akira)
This is the ultimate food manga. The protagonists work for the
culture section of a newspaper. Their star reporter is a slovenly
goof-off who knows incredibly much about food and cooking. [TM]
---- Katsu Aki ^[$@9n!z0!<y^[(B
Fuhoushi Mandara-den Karasu
(v3F, SS)
Katsu's attempt at occult action manga. Although it had decent plot, it
had many holes and showed his limit as an artist. [TK]
Stardust Paradise
Hoshikuzu Paradise
(v11F, SS)
Other works: Katsu Aki Short Story Col. (v2F, SS), Happy Naomae (v6F, SS),
Chouryuu Senki SAUROS KNIGHT (v2, SS)
---- Katsura Masakazu ^[$@7K@5OB^[(J
(v13F, Y370, SJ)
Katsura Masakazu Collection
(v2?, 1=Y800 2=Y910, Shuueisha)
Present From Lemon
(v2F, Shuueisha)
Video Girl Ai / Video Girl Len
Den'ei Shoujo ^[$@EE1F>/=w^[(B
(v14U, SJ, 6 OAVs+live action movie)
Parental groups have pressured Shuueisha into withdrawing vol.3 and vol.5
from sale, pending 'corrections' to the artwork. Nothing particularly
explicit, but some scenes suggesting lesbianism/sexual slavery were judged
to be unsuitable for SJ's typical "boys and girls" audience.
Shadow Lady
(1992, Virtual Jump)
---- Kawaguchi Kaiji ^[$@$+$o$0$A$+$$$8^[(J
Medusa ^[$@%a%G%e!<%5^[(B
(v6, Big Comics)
The story starts in 1969, when the student movement in Japan was at its
peak. [KM]
The Silent Service
Chinmoku no Kantai ^[$@D@L[$N4OBb^[(J
(v15, Y500, Morning)
The advanced US nuclear submarine "Seabat" is taken over by a Japanese
crew, and renamed "Yamato". It then proceeds to waste a large portion
of the superpowers' fleets. This manga has some infamy (being mentioned
in the Diet), and is slightly derivative of The Hunt for Red October.
Lots of suspense, politics, and well-done naval warfare scenes. However,
it suffers from long and dull lapses in the action (partially due to
Kawaguchi idling while military photographers took him to court for
copying their work). The ending was determined by a Morning readers' poll.
---- Kikuchi Hideyuki ^[$@5FCO=(9T^[(B
Kikuchi is a novelist, not a manga artist. But he sometimes writes stories
for manga, and several manga and anime have been based on his novels.
Actually, he is one of two most famous novelists of the Horror/Action
(Sex/Violence) genre. Unfortunately, for those who cannot read Japanese,
his best works are among the ones which are available only as novels.
Shinjuku seems to be his favorite setting. [YK]
Makai-Toshi <Shinjuku>/Demon City <Shinjuku>
Mato Babylon/Demon City Babylon
Sequel to <Shinjuku>
Aki Setsura, the Man-Searcher
Mephisto, the Doctor of Demon City
Makai Keiji/Detective of Demon City
All stories above are describing <Shinjuku>.
Kyuuketsuki Hunter D/Vampire Hunter D
(v7, OVA)
Youjuu Toshi/Super Natural Beast City
(v3F, OVA)
The OVA only dealt with the first volume. (The baby of Makie and Taki
was born in the 3rd volume.)
Demonic War in New York
Sequel to Youjuu Toshi.
Killer Name
Kaze no Na wa Amnesia/The Wind's Name is Amnesia
Majin Gakuen / Demonic High School
(v9?, Y390?, Shounen Champion, art by Hosoma Shin'ichi, based on novel)
Makai Gakuen / Infernal High School
(v14, Y390, Shounen Champion, art by Hosoma Shin'ichi)
Another violence/sci-fi/fantasy manga from Kikuchi/Hosoma combi. Same
old story with slighty different characters.
Western Bugei-chou / Samurai in the Wild West
(v1, art by JET, based on novel)
Darkside Blues
(v2F, art by Ashibe Yuuho)
Makai Toshi Hunter / Hunter of Demon City
(v17F, Y390, Shounen Champion, art by Hosoma Shin'ichi)
Loosely based on the novel Makai Toshi Shinjuku. It had many interesting
characters and fascinating ideas in the beginning but its ending was really
lame. The art is OK but not spectacular. Recommended if you're interested
in nonsense violence/fantasy/sci-fi mixture. [TK]
Mokujiroku Senshi / Warrior of Apocrypha
(v1F, art by Hosoma Shin'ichi)
---- Kishiro Yukito ^[$@LZ>k$f$-$H^[(J
Gun's Dream
Gunnm ^[$@=FL4^[(B
(1991, v4, BJ, anime soon+English "Battle Angel Alita")
Cyberpunk. Nice art, with some influence from Moebius (Jean Giraud, the
French comic artist). The society is filled with many cybernetic androids,
some normal but many are abnormal or punk, both in terms of appearance and
mentality. All in all, the manga is a pretty and interesting mix of pleasant
art-style (that is NOT the manly style as in Hokuto no ken or Saint Seiya)
and gross fights. [PY]
---- Kitagawa Miyuki
Princess Army ^[$@$W$j$s$;$9^[(J ^[$@#A#R#M#Y^[(B
(v10, OAVs)
It's a story about a high school girl from a family of judo experts.
Her parents were killed in an accident and she was brought up by
her three brothers who are all judo experts. But she's still much
stronger than them.
When Nonoka was 5 years old, some guy was picking on her.
A little boy (about her age) came and saved her. The boy
also threw the guy with a judo throw. But in saving Nonoka,
this boy got cut in his lower back. This boy was Nonoka's "prince"
but Nonoka had no idea who he was.
In the first day of high school Nonoka meets this very handsome guy,
Shinobu, who sat next to her in her class. Shinobu hates judo
for some reason that Nonoka hasn't discovered yet. Also Nonoka meets a
boy, Yuuya, who is very good in judo. He wants to set up a judo team
because the school's team had been closed (because they were too weak).
(For a shoujo audience.) [HD]
---- Kitagawa Shou ^[$@$-$?$,$ofF^[(J
Kitagawa, as he describes himself, is a very tall, muscular, dark skinned
fellow, and yet he's a major shoujo manga fan (and that caused him some
embarrassing moments in bookstores in his high school years). His art
reflects the shoujo influence, and yet his stories are tailored for
men. [DM] He started drawing manga at age 13.
Let's Be Teens!
Teens Syouka!
(v1F, Y600, Shuueisha)
Nineteen ^[$@%J%$%s%F%#!<%s^[(B
(1988-1990, v12F, Y600, YJ, OAV covers v1.1-5)
Commenced when the artist was only 21 years old, and yet it shows
surprising maturity in both style and story. Most importantly, Kitagawa
captured the essence of the age bordering adolescence and adulthood.
In a sense, 19 is the GQ of manga.
Our hero, Kazushi Kubota, will have his heart broken three times (and his
virginity intact) before he finds a steady love, and that's just half of the
story. The story can be very light hearted, and then very depressing
sometimes. The tone is, IMHO, overall melancholic. Comparing with some
other bland shonen stuffs that are out there, 19 scores far above the
field. [DM]
B.B. Fish ^[$@#B^[(J.^[$@#B^[(J.^[$@%U%#%C%7%e^[(B
(v5, Y600, YJ)
More fantasy oriented, and it rivals other YJ series in degree of H-ness.
Unfortunately, BBF doesn't have a well defined theme as Nineteen. It's
trying to tell a love story, fantasy story, sports story, and a mystery
story all at the same time. Well, doesn't stop me from buying it thou. :-)
[DM] NB. This is NOT Banana Fish!!
Cult Weekend
(1992, all-color short story, Young Jump 30)
Bondage and mayonnaise.
---- Koike Kazuo ^[$@>.CS0lIW^[(B
Koike Kazuo is well-known manga story writer (Gensaku-sha), not a manga
artist (Manga-ka). [YK]
2 10 Te Monogatari ^[$@Fu==<jJ*8l^[(B
(v59, art by ^[$@?@9>N$8+^[(B)
Red Lawn ^[$@9H$$<G@8!J%0%j!<%s!K^[(B
(v6, Y550, art by ^[$@907s7{J8^[(B)
I Katsuotoko boy ^[$@#I!&2nCK%\!<%$^[(B
(v6, art by Igekami Ryouichi)
Yokohama Homeros ^[$@2#IM%[%a%m%9^[(B
(v2, Y510, art by ^[$@3p@::n^[(B)
Namidatama ^[$@N^CF^[(B
(v8, Y460, art by ^[$@0K2lOBMN^[(B)
Maggie's Dog ^[$@%^%.!<!G#s!&8$^[(B
(v1F, Y800, art by ^[$@3p^[(J ^[$@@::n^[(B)
???? ^[$@?7^[(J ^[$@>e$C$F$J%s%\^[(J!! ^[$@B@0l$h5c$/$J^[(B
(v10, Y550, art by ^[$@3p^[(J ^[$@@::n^[(B)
The Running Rabbit ^[$@EF$,Av$k^[(B
(Y620, art by ^[$@907s7{;K^[(B)
Late-night Theatre ^[$@?<Lk7`>l^[(B
(Y700, art by ^[$@3p@::n^[(B)
(v9F, art by Seisaku Kanori ^[$@3p@::n^[(B)
The Strange Tales of Nostradamus
(v5F, art by Yamasaki ?)
Other works: Hanappe Bazooka, Offered, Renkan Nihon-shoki, Auction House,
Sweet Room, Crying Freeman
(and: ^[$@KbJ*8l^[(B, ^[$@;RO"$lO5^[(B, ^[$@CKFu^[(B, ^[$@9b9;@8L5Mj95^[(B,
^[$@L@F|%+%C%W!&%$%s^[(B, ^[$@2V7Y;!^[(B, ^[$@<B83?M7A%@%_!<!&%*%9%+!<^[(B,
---- Aihara Koji
A gag artist.
Manga Class that even Monkeys Can Draw
Sarudemo Kakeru Manga Kyoushitsu ^[$B%5%k$G$b$+$1$kL!2h65<<!#^[(B
A pretty good study of the manga industry. [KM]
---- Kouga Yun ^[$@9b2O$f$s^[(B
Alice in Wonderland
A prince from Wonderland is about to decide who he shall marry. But, he
doesn't feel that he loves any of his bride-want-to-be. So he asked his
personal advisor, who is also a wizard, to let him go to the human world
and try his luck. The wizard agreed, but the prince has to go as a dog,
he can only turn back as a prince only twice while he was there and most
of all he cannot tell his name to the woman he wishes to get married with,
or otherwise he won't be able to marry her.
The prince agreeed to the terms. The wizard turned him into a puppy.
The prince was picked up by Alice, a girl who loves dogs, she has a lot
of dogs in her house. The prince falls in love with her. Later that night,
he changed himself back to his human shape while she was asleep. But,
Alice woke up and asked who he was. The dumb prince slipped his tongue
and told her his name. So what happened then is that he still bring her
back to Wonderland. He planned to stay with her even if they can not get
married. Then the story goes on..... [LL]
You're My Only Shinin' Star
(1991, v1F, Y500, Tairiku Shobou)
An SF-Fantasy story. About moon people, with big insect-like wings
and human. At that time, it's magic that rules. The main character
Thomas is the greatest magician on earth. At that time, women are
the ones who are working and they are the ones who protect the men.
Humans had conquered the moon already, and killed all the moon
people, because the moon people have a special power. The main
female character is the last of the moon people. Thomas is actually
a moon-person as well, but no one knows about it.
It turns out that there is a guy within the heroine. It was a spell
that happened during the war between the moon people and earth, so now
they are actually two people in one. So Thomas has to show her that he
really loves her, even though she is actually a guy sometimes. [LL]
B-Type Union
(Genki Special)
Genji ^[$@8;;a^[(B
(v6?, Y490, Shinshokan)
Very loosely based on the famous historical epic.
Earthian ^[$@%"!<%7%"%s^[(B
(v3?, Y490, Shinshokan)
"Earthian" is the term for people living on earth. This story is about
"angels" from the planet Eden, who have been inspecting Earthians for more
than 5 billion years. They are divided into 2 groups, "plus checkers" whose
job is to find good points about Earthians, and "minus checkers" whose job
is to find bad points about Earthians. They always go in pairs. If the
bad points reach 10,000 (the score system is not important in the story and
Kouga Yun did not really explain it in detail), Earth will be destroyed by
the Angels.
All the angels are white in colour, white hairs, white eyes and white wings,
except one who got black hair, black eyes and black wings. (Black is considered
to be a unlucky colour on Planet Eden.) His name is Chihaya, and he is a plus
checker. He went to earth with a minus checker called Kagetsuya, and the story
is about different people and events they came accross on Earth. [CM]
Children are the Dwellers of Night
Kodomo tachi wa yoru no Jyujin ^[$@;R6!$?$A$OLk$N=;?M^[(B
(1990, v2F, Y500, Tairiku Shobou)
Flexible Sensation
There is a group of aliens whose spaceship has lain crashed into earth
for centuries. This group of alien is pretty weird. Each individual is
composed of two bodies, and a male one and a female one. The male
character was a descendant of the alien, without his other half, he is
like a normal human. Other aliens try to get him to combine with her
sister, so he can return to his alien form. [LL]
Other works: Ren-Ai (Akita Shouten), Yajyou Teikoku (Akita Shouten),
Mind Size, Safran Zero Beat, Rollar Kaiza (v2, Akita Shouten),
Hungry Group/Kiga Issoku (1992, LC Mystery).
---- Kuruma Shin'ichi aka. Aki Kyouma
Yami Garishi
The Hunter of Darkness
(v1F, SC, influenced by Yumemakura Baku novel)
His debut, quite popular among SC readers. Led to Majinden, his own manga.
(?-1988, v4F, Shounen Captain, Battle Royal Highschool/Shin-Majinden OAV)
The manga is about a battle in a Super Famicom world, and isn't particularly
original. However, the OAV is a lot of fun; Riki Hyodo (school karate
champion) and Toshimitsu Yuki (lone swordsman) are possessed by a sorcerer
and a sprite queen from another dimension. They battle for control of
both worlds, as Zankan (a special agent from an orbiting space station)
attempts to stop them. [IS]
Demon Organization
Occult cyberpunk. This title was started after he changed his name
to Aki Kyouma. [TK]
---- Kusakabe Akihiro ^[$@ApJI2ELf^[(B
Holy War Armageddon ^[$@@;@o#H#A#R#M#A#G#E#D#O#N^[(B
(1990, v2, Y950, Yigen Comics)
Mixture of short stories along the same theme of demons. The manga is
light and humorous (ie little gore in its violence) and the boy always
seems to get the girl :-) The stories alternate between a fantasy world
and here and now. [ME]
---- Kusunoki Kei ^[$@Fo7K^[(B
A pretty (!) and young manga-ka who always draws horror stories. BTW, she
is PRETTY, sure pretty enough to compete with idol singers. :) [CM]
Headbutt Sleeping Beauty
Buchikamashi Nemuri hime
"Buchikamashi" is a term use to describe the action when one uses his
forehead to hit others' chest or jaws. This is about a girl who walks
around when she sleeps, and this becaomes a problem when she falls in love
with a guy whose mother was abandoned by his father because she was a
sleepwalker! A comedy manga.
Onikirimaru/Demon Circle Cut
(v1?, Shougakkan)
Horror ghost story.
The things in Yagami's family
Yagami-kun no katei no jijou ^[$@H,?@$/$s$N2HDm$N;v>p^[(B
(-1990, v7F. Y390, Shougakkan, 3 OAVs)
Yagami has a crush on his own mother!!! :) Very funny story.
Masterpiece collection of Kusunoki Kei
Kusunoki Kei Kessaku shuu ^[$@Fo7K7f:nC;JT=8^[(B
(1990, v1F, Shougakkan)
Etcetera ^[$@#e#t#c!%!J%(%H%;%H%i!K^[(B
(1991, v1F, Y1200)
Circus Wonder ^[$@%5!<%+%9!&%o%s%@!<^[(B
(1991, v1F)
Werewolf Grass Paper?
Jinohkami Kusakame ^[$@?MO5Ap;f^[(B
(1991, v1F, Y490)
Akuma de Rabucome ^[$@$"$/$^$G%i%V%3%a^[(B
(1991, v1)
Buchi ka Mashiri ^[$@$V$A$+$^$7L2$jI1^[(B
(1992, v1F)
Youma ^[$@MEKb^[(B
(v2F, Shuueisha, 2 OAVs)
Our school was a battlefield
Boku no gakkou wa senjou datta
(v1F, Shuueisha)
Strictly observe the weekly duty regulations
Jyuuban kisoku genshu seyo
(v1F, Shishoukan)
Old Festival
Inishie Matsuri
(v1F, Shougakkan)
Ghost demon
(v1F, Shishoukan)
Horror stories.
Prison/Hell Fire Hall
(v1F, Shishoukan)
Kusunoki Theatre
Kusunoki gekijou
Collections of short stories including horror and comedy.
Metropolitan Roaring
Ootokai ni Hoeru
(1992, Asuka)
---- Manabe Johji ^[$@??Fi>y<#^[(B
Russian Crash
(Large volume, no volume #, FFC)
Almost like Appleseed, with a little influence from Outlanders.
Capricorn ^[$@%+%W%j%3%s^[(B
(v5F, Y490, Shinshokan)
SF-Fantasy. Other-dimensional planet tries to invade Earth. [YK]
Galaxy Warring State Chronicle Rai ^[$@6d2O@o9q72M:EA%i%$^[(B
(v6, Y950, Comp)
An action adventure set in a parallel universe that resembles Japan in
the Warring State Era. [TK]
Other works: The Key of Grasille, The Heaven Gods, Outlanders, Caravan Kid,
Dorakuun (v3), Bananpera, Battle Zone (1990, author?), Junk Party (1991).
---- Matsumoto Izumi ^[$@$^$D$b$H@t^[(B
Kimagure Orange Road ^[$@$-$^$0$l%*%l%s%8%m!<%I^[(B
(v18F, v8F hardback, SJ, movies+OAVs+TV series+Italian)
Sesame Street
(v3, Super Jump*)
Another love triangle: A ronin + his sister-in-law, a virgin widow +
a 17 high-school girl who likes him. [PY]
Graffiti Matsumoto Izumi Short Story Collection
---- Matsumoto Leiji ^[$@>>K\Nm;N^[(B
I'm a man
Otoko Oidon ^[$@CK$*$$$I$s^[(B
(1971-73, Shonen Magazine)
Space Cruiser Yamato
Uchuu Senkan Yamato ^[$@1'Ch@o4O%d%^%H^[(B
(v2?F, Akita Shoten)
Galaxy Express 999
Ginga Tetsudou 999 ^[$@6d2OE4F;^[(J999
(v10F, Y1200, Shougakukan)
Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Harlock ^[$@1'Ch3$B1^[(J ^[$@%-%c%W%F%s%O!<%m%C%/^[(B
(v2?F, Akita Shoten)
The Narrow Path Inside a Dream
Moou no Hosomichi
The story is about the author's dreams. In his dream he becomes another
person (dressed like a reporter), and he travels to mysterious places.
The Millenium Queen
Sennen Jouou ^[$@@iG/=w2&^[(B
(v2F, Y1200, Shougakukan)
Queen Emeralds ^[$@%/%#!<%s%(%a%i%k%@%9^[(B
(1990, v2, Y1000)
Bright Red Book of Revelation
Makkoo no Mokushiroku 9999
(1992, Big Comics)
This is a story supposed to take place in the contemporary world. Yuu,
aged 28, doesn't care about money or women. One day he met a young woman,
with a scar on her face. Without knowing anything about her, he made a
contract with her to serve as a combat soldier of the Foreign Legion
called CRIMSON 9999. [PY]
Other works: Adventures of a bee(1954), Kuroi Hanabira(1957),
Denko Ozma, Zero Pilot, Hard Metal (1990, v3)...
---- Mita Ryuusuke
Dragon Half
(v4, Newtype, FFC)
Mink is a young dragon-half -- half human girl, half kaiser dragon --
in love with one of the greatest dragon slayers, and pop idols: Dick
Saucer. Together, with the young boy Pia, and the pervert female elf
Rufa, Mink searches for the potion that will turn her fully human. She
is also intent on single-handedly destroying the Great Demon King.
This is a very silly manga, that often reverts to chan-form. The
setting is a twisted sword and sorcery world, and the story isn't
exactly complex. But I find it to be lots of fun. Also, at the August
Komiket, there was one doujinshii dedicated to this manga, showing that
it does have a Japanese fan following. [CH]
---- Miyashita Akira
Sakigake!! Otokojuku ^[$@3!^[(J!!^[$@CK=N^[(B
(SJ, anime)
Extremely violent highschool fights.
---- Miyazaki Hayao ^[$@5\:j=Y86:n^[(B
The renowned director of anime films.
People of the Desert
Sabakuno Tami
(1969-1970, Shonen Shojo Shinbun, under Akitsu Saburo pseudonym)
The Journey of Shuna
(1983, Animage's June AM JUJU)
An all-watercolor manga which looks more like a miniature roman album
than a manga; considered to be a Nausicaa prototype by some. [EC]
Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa ^[$@Iw$NC+$N%J%&%7%+^[(B
(1986, v5, Animage*, movie+English+anime comics/v4F+childrens' books)
The Age of Hydroplanes
(??, three instalments in Model Grafix magazine)
This color short story was the original inspiration for the Porco Rosso
anime. [EC]
Other works: Castle Cagliostro (1981, anime comics), Tonari no Totoro
(1988, anime comics), Kiki's Delivery Service (1990, anime comics),
Porco Rosso/Kurenai no Buta (1992, anime comics/v4F).
---- Monkey Punch ^[$@%b%s%-!<!&%Q%s%A^[(B
Lupin III
Rupan Sansei ^[$@%k%Q%s;0@$%+%j%*%9%H%m$N>k^[(J
(v4, Y1500, Cagliostro Castle movie+anime comics)
The original Monkey Punch short stories have been reprinted in 4
large soft-cover volumes. I don't know how complete these collections
are, but there may be some confusion with them since there's a second
re-printing with different titles and covers, but apparently the same
The original Lupin stories were more violent, and had more implied
sex (and naked bodies) than the current incarnation is. The artwork
looks like something that came out of the 1960's Mad magazines. [CH]